Newton Canyon WaterFall

I hiked Newton Canyon in Malibu with the Hikers and Photographers Meet-up last Sunday. It was six hours of walking and evading poison oak to take this shot. The waterfall faces the bright mid-day sun but I wanted smooth water. I didn’t bring a tripod since it would too heavy along the hike and next to impossible to set up. Plus everything was slippery at the bottom of the fall and a miscalculated step can land you in the water or the mud. So I rested my camera on a rock, slipped a sock underneath for angle and stability, put a neutral density filter on the lens, and managed to capture some silky water out of the waterfall.

f 1/22, 1s, ISO 100, 18mm.

About knottyewe

Blogging about knitting, making yarn, and making socks.
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